Tuesday, February 3, 2015

WE are having a baby!

So, I don't scrapbook, or journal, or send out holiday newsletters, or any of the cute things that you're supposed to when you are in a family to keep track of your life/let others know about what you are up to.  I don't even post on Facebook because I don't read half of what's on there and I mock what I do read (sorry :/ ). So I don't want to post a bunch of boring stuff straight there. BUT I figure that Blogs are a loophole to that. Because if I post a link to my mommy blog, you have to click on it to read it, it's totally up to you, and if you don't like it, that's not my fault, you didn't have to click on it anyways.  That was a rant. But my excuse is pregnancy brain.

Because, guess what, I'm pregnant!!! Will and I are going to have a baby in July! The official due date is July 13. We have our ultrasound at the end of February when we will find out if it's a boy or a girl.  I have a pretty strong feeling that it's a girl, but we'll see.  I have been as sick as a dog for the last few months, so if I ignore you, or you never hear from me anymore, it's because all I do is watch Netflix nowadays.  My dear husband has been a saint, taking care of me and our apartment while I crouch over the toilet or try to lie perfectly still to prevent waking the monster in my abdomen.

Here's the "I hate pregnancy" paragraph. Feel free to skip this if you don't want to hear it.  But pregnancy Really Sucks.  At least it has for me. And my sister. And my friend. (We've all been pregnant roughly the same time this last year). Anyways, it started out all exciting, and I didn't feel anything but happy because I love babies.  Then I was a little nauseous around Thanksgiving. That's not that bad, right?  Then it really started.  After Every Single "meal," even just crackers and water, heaving. Sometimes after eating nothing, heaving.  That became my normal.  I was exhausted all the time, even speaking made me more nauseous.  It was terrible and only recently have I recovered at all. So, I hate being pregnant. I can't wait until it's over, because then I'll stop throwing up and I'll have a baby.

But we are very excited to add a baby to our family.  We'll see if I keep up writing.

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